Precautions to take before using Resin

When the Hardener and Clear part of the resin are mixed together it causes a chemical reaction which heats up the Resin slowly and turns the liquid into a solid. While mixing the two liquid there may be a lot of bubbles and to remove them you might use a lighter or a heat gun. Heating the resin might give rise to fumes which could be harmful. Its always better to take a few precautions while using Resin
1. Use Nitrile gloves
Resin is messy. It is difficult to remove from the hands since it is very sticky and could also cause allergic reaction. I recommend everyone to use gloves always while working with Resin.Try and use Nitrile gloves and not plastic gloves. Nitrile gloves are used by medical professionals mostly.If you touch the resin with these gloves they do not react with it hence allowing the normal curing to take place. You can wipe the resin with a tissue and it can be used again later.
2. Use a Respirator
Many resin mixes have a odor which makes it difficult to breathe. Use a respirator to protect yourself from the odor and fumes from the resin
3. Work in a ventilated area
To avoid the odor and the fumes from affecting you work in a well ventilated area
4. Protect your working surface
Once the resin cures it will become hard and is difficult to remove. Protect your working surface by covering it with a craft sheet or plastic cover of some kind

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